DiRectinG AttentioN to SpiriT

photo by Suzanne Dater


Sometimes, we just need to talk to another person on a spiritual path who will hold space for our troubles, doubts, experiences, and inspirations.  As humans, we thrive, and begin to heal, when we feel witnessed and heard.  Spiritual direction creates a space in which we can tell the stories of our lives in the presence of Spirit, dwell in the territory of our souls, and reflect deeply.  Spiritual companions listen with the heart and with the knowledge that you are your greatest teacher. 

The UndergrounD StreaM

I’ve always loved to write and keep journals. These meditations will focus on various themes that capture my attention, usually resulting from the inevitable intersection between personal experience and the world events that we are all witnessing and trying to negotiate with integrity.  I hope that you resonate with some of my reflections, and may some sort of alchemy happen wherein we are mutually enriched. 

The need for Spiritual Direction

While the world pulls our attention toward the glitter of our external selves and endeavors, spiritual direction calls us into the vast inner space within.  In telling the stories of our lives in the presence of a spiritual companion called to listen with understanding and compassion, we enter into the territory of self-discovery, authenticity, and illumination.  As we begin to transform ourselves, we contribute to a larger, global transformation, and what we do for ourselves ripples outward to the whole of creation.