“When we listen to another, we catch a slight glimpse of their soul.  We create an open page where they are free to write their story.  We help people to remember who they arE.”

— Lonnie Collins Pratt, Radical Hospitality

What is Spiritual DirectioN?


More than ever we look for safe spaces wherein to explore our deepest selves. As we absorb the energies of our interconnected, hurting planet, it’s natural to ask deep and penetrating questions about our lives. How can I cope with the terrifying changes on our planet? What is my larger purpose in life? Have I found my truest vocation? How can I cultivate greater intimacy with Spirit? What areas of my life require attention and discernment? These are deep, mystical questions.

Spiritual Direction is not therapy, or psychoanalysis. Rather, Spiritual Direction creates space to explore everything from our inner darkness to the fullness of our gifts in the presence of a person trained as a sacred witness to your life story and its unfolding.

Spiritual companionship is sacred time. In the words of John Mabry, “Spiritual Direction is an amazing ministry, completely unlike any other. It is personal, intimate, and non-coercive. In your spiritual director, you will find a soul friend, a fellow companion who will walk beside you on your spiritual journey, and help you unpack your spiritual experiences, discern important choices, parse long-held beliefs, and nudge you gently toward growth” (Starting Spiritual Direction vi).

As your spiritual companion, I will hold space for you, wherever you are on your path—no judgments. This is your time. Let’s walk together.

“We don’t need to be judged or scolded for our unsettled feelings or fears.  We need a companion in the darknesS”

— Lonnie Collins Pratt, Radical Hospitality

How Does Spiritual Direction WorK?

In Spiritual Direction, the norm is to meet on a monthly basis.  Individual sessions last one hour and are either in person, by phone, or by video call. I believe in making spiritual companionship affordable. My base rate is $50.00 per session, but each client can discern what they can pay and let me know. Financial challenges shouldn’t get in the way of this important work. If you might be interested in individual or group spiritual direction, please send me an email on my contact page. I look forward to chatting with you!