About Alexandra
There has been a thread in my life that I cannot but follow. It started when I had a mystical experience in my early teenage years, wherein I felt a deep, divine love that etched into my soul a desire to share this joy with others. I had the sense of a “calling” at this tender age, but life goes on and we forget these childhood musings. After college, I pursued a doctorate in American Studies at the College of William and Mary because of my love of literature. Reading fiction has been for me a gateway into the spiritual journey.
I enjoy tutoring writing and have with pleasure designed syllabi and taught college writing and critical thinking courses. The joys and anguishes of mothering, too, have inspired me to find my spiritual footing. As my daughters began to get closer to college, I felt a space in my soul open up, which led me back to my childhood passion. I began to read again spiritual texts (the mystics, for instance), study the Enneagram, practice Centering Prayer, and enjoy the fruits of Spiritual Direction. I also began to work more intensely on my journals, which reveal my observations about the immense challenges we face in being alive during this historical time of transformation for our planet. Please see my blog, The Underground Stream, to read my reflections, short life snippets, and musings.
As a person who grew up in the Episcopal tradition but is also spiritually eclectic (and married to a Hindu), I felt called to pursue this vocation at the Interfaith Spiritual Direction Program at the Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley (https://chaplaincyinstitute.org). I’m trained to work with people of a variety of religious backgrounds, or with people who might identify as atheist, agnostic or spiritually independent. If you find that your soul is restless, questioning, and open to the universe, perhaps you are ripe for spiritual companionship.
And I would be honored to hold space for you.